VDT-Cost Optimization

A Value Driver Tree (VDT)

 is a powerful analytical tool that helps businesses and organizations understand how various factors or “drivers” impact their overall performance and value.

It visually represents the relationships between key business metrics and underlying drivers, making focusing on areas that can improve value easier.

This table summarizes the benefits of a Value Driver Tree (VDT):

IdeaGens, out-of-box, provides the following four examples of Value Driver Trees:

The Value Driver Tree, below in HTML format, is for Cost Optimization. Each node has two values: baseline and forecast.

VDT Cost Optimization (collapse and expansion is enabled)

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Kanban/VDT Cost Optimization - Opportunities for innovations in each area. We start with data, then we implement innovations - there are nearly 190 innovative options, and finally come back to data for validation and forecasting.

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